Get in touch with other users

The benefits of bone anchored hearing systems vary greatly from person to person due to differences in hearing loss as well as listening preferences and lifestyle. A good way to gain insight into what life might be like with Ponto or another type of system is to talk to other users. Below are some useful links for getting in touch with other users or user organizations.

Whether you are wearing an implantable hearing device or considering wearing an implantable hearing device, there are a number of support organisations with readily available information and networks. Please advise us of any additional organisations that you would like to be added to this page. 


Acoustic neuroma & single-sided deafness (SSD)

Acoustic Neuroma Association US organization for people with acoustic neuroma and other benign tumors of the cranial nerves.
Acoustic Neuroma Association of Canada (ANAC)  The Acoustic Neuroma Association of Canada is a patient-headed, peer support group.


Facebook - Various SSD User Groups: 


Atresia, Microtia, Treacher Collins and Goldenhar Syndrome

Facebook - Various Microtia & Atresia User Groups :


Oticon Medical Ponto Support Groups