I was doing avoiding techniques, for example, I volunteered with a group at the park and avoided sitting with the others as I could not follow the conversations. 

I can remember first walking away from the hospital when I got the device and I said to my wife 'Oh aren't those sounds different?' I could hear little kiddies and birds singing! 
I used to be known as the whistling paper boy and since I have had my Ponto I am now whistling again and enjoying it! 


The difference it has been made in my life has been tremendous! 

My hearing loss got to a stage that even with the volume at maximum on the television I still couldn't hear. My wife was getting headache after headache, thinking something was wrong with her and this was because of the volume I was listening to things at. 

Name: Eric Songhurst
Profession: Retired
Indication: Single-sided deafness
Sound Processor: Ponto Pro Power